I’ve been quite focused on light building projects recently, but before I move on to other targets for my enthusiam I felt I had to make something with one of […]
After the unbridled fun of building my pipe light a few months back it struck me that since the build was in part my justifcation for buying a 3D printer, […]
Last spring, when I was putting together my anamorfake Pentacon 50mm lens, I had the overwhelming urge to get hold of a few more old M42 lenses of different focal […]
I’m one of those sad photographers who always uses a lens hood. I have one for every lens I own, and whenever I’m taking pictures the hood is always on […]
If you’re tempted to build electronics projects similar to some of the ones I’ve described in this blog, there’s no escaping the fact that you’re going to need some electronics […]
One of the surprises from the testing for my post on LED light quality was the spectrum produced by my generic 3W SMT COB LEDs. While not as good as the 95 […]